“Curls for a Cure!” Join Breast Cancer Survivor + Curl Expert Ouidad in Supporting BCRF during October!

I am lucky enough to have met so many great people as I have worked as a writer and blogger over the years. I remember the first time I met Ouidad (the curl expert) in New York City at her salon. I was in awe to see that many curly girls all in one place and to realize that it is a lifestyle more than just a hairstyle.  She and I became friends during phone calls and product launches.  I am happy to be able to share her journey,  her battle against breast cancer with you here on LA-Story.com.  Breast cancer can be cured, but it requires time, it requires research and all of that costs money.  Ouidad and her husband Peter have made the choice to support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and they are asking you to donate via her “Curls for a Cure initiative.  Please help, please donate to this cause.

Ouidad and Peter -founders of the iconic hair salon and product company, OUIDAD – The Curl Experts, and Curls for A Cure® a proud partner of The Breast Cancer Research Foundation® since 2004. This year, Curls for a Cure is supporting BCRF with in-salon events such as, “Style-a-thon”, “Cut-a-Thons” and “Curls Night Out” fundraising events throughout the OUIDAD certified salon network and matching every dollar donated up to $10,000!

If you have a family member, friend, colleague or a neighbor who is in treatment for breast cancer or who has had breast cancer, please consider a donation to curlsforacure.org.

I have had friends who had breast cancer and they have survived. One is my closest and best friend. Despite the battle she had with this reoccurrence of her breast cancer that she had the strength and the will to survive this terrible situation — and she is alive and well today.

Stevie Wilson,